• Thursday, March 23, 2017

    Elementary School Lunch (Kyuushoku) in January

    It's good to be back in the routine... Kind of. Being on vacation always makes me want to quit working. Anyway, here's January's school lunches. I also (finally) remembered to take a picture of the whole month's menu, in case you were wondering what that looks like.

    If you can't read Japanese, it may be a bit difficult for you at school...

    My main elementary school is a "self service" type lunch. This means there is just pots of food on a cart, plates on the table, and you just help yourself. This is nice sometimes, because if you're hungry then you can take more food, and if you aren't going to eat it all, you can take less. However, there are a lot of people who eat school lunch from the teacher's room, so it can be difficult rationing it out when it's self serve.

    It's the responsibility of the first people to set a precedent, because the next people will judge how much to take by how much they see the first people taking. Unfortunately, there have been times where it wasn't rationed properly and the last people ended up getting only about half of what everyone else got... My secondary school isn't like this, though, because I eat with my students. It's all pre-served, which takes the guesswork out of things.

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Red bean and mochi soup (for New Years), salad, fried chicken, and bread

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Udon, "college potato" (candied potatoes), and bean sprout salad

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Seaweed soup, bread, cabbage

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Curry, turmeric rice (!!), and seaweed salad

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Chicken rice, tofu curd soup, and drinkable yogurt

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Rice, dakgalbi (if you know ANYTHING about Korean food, you'll know how laughable this is that they called it that), and bean sprouts salad

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Corn chowder, coleslaw, and bread

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Tofu skin soup, grilled fish, rice, and pickled salad

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Fruit salad, yakisoba, and chicken with quail eggs

    Japanese elementary school lunch
    Twist bread, an orange slice, seaweed salad, and vegetable soup

    Rice with seaweed, fried fish, and mustard salad

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